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Pride and prejudice

Verfasser/in: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Austen, Jane
Verfasserangabe: Jane Austen ; with an introduction by Alexander McCall Smith
Jahr: 2014
Mediengruppe: B.Bell.Erw/


ZweigstelleStandorteStatusVorbestellungenFristStandort 2Standort 3
Zweigstelle: Schulbibliothek Standorte: Aust Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Frist: Standort 2: Standort 3:


As usual, Austen trains her sights on a country village and a few families - in this case, the Bennets, the Philips, and the Lucases. Into their midst comes Mr. Bingley, a single man of good fortune, and his friend, Mr. Darcy, who is even richer. Mrs. Bennet, who married above her station, sees their arrival as an opportunity to marry off at least one of her five daughters. Bingley is complaisant and easily charmed by the eldest Bennet girl, Jane; Darcy, however, is harder to please. Put off by Mrs. Bennet's vulgarity and the untoward behavior of the three younger daughters, he is unable to see the true worth of the older girls, Jane and Elizabeth. His excessive pride offends Lizzy, who is more than willing to believe the worst that other people have to say of him; when George Wickham, a soldier stationed in the village, does indeed have a discreditable tale to tell, his words fall on fertile ground.


Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Verlag: London, Vintage Books
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ISBN: 978-0-09-958933-4
Beschreibung: 443 pages
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Sprache: englisch