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The last report on the miracles at Little No Horse

Verfasser/in: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Erdrich, Louise
Verfasserangabe: Louise Erdrich
Jahr: 2002
Mediengruppe: B.Bell.Erw/


ZweigstelleStandorteStatusVorbestellungenFristStandort 2Standort 3
Zweigstelle: Schulbibliothek Standorte: Erdr / Englisch Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Frist: Standort 2: Standort 3: Englisch


Sister Cecilia lives for music, for those hours when she can play her beloved Chopin on the piano. It isn't that she neglects her other duties, rather it is the playing itself - distilled of longing - that disturbs her sisters. The very air of the convent thickens with the passion of her music, and the young girl is asked to leave. And so it is that Sister Cecilia appears before Berndt Vogel on his farm, destitute, looking for sanctuary. Decades later, old Father Damien lays down his pen and dresses for bed. Slowly, he removes his heavy robes, undergarments and, at last, a bandage wound tightly around woman's breasts. Having lived for so long as a man, he fears that the discovery of his true identity will undo all that he has accomplished... Moving and lyrical, `The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse' is a powerful work from one of contemporary literature's brightest stars.


Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Verlag: London, Flamingo
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ISBN: 978-0-00-713635-3
Beschreibung: 361 pages
Schlagwörter: Erzählende Literatur: Gegenwartsliteratur ab 1945, Belletristische Darstellung, Frau, Indianer, Indianerreservat, Kloster, Wunder, Amerika / Indianer, Amerikaner <Indianer>, Indian Reservation (engl.), , , , , , , , Mehr...
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Sprache: englisch